Fall Ball Begins for 15U and 16U, News (Ontario Royals)

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Sep 03, 2019 | Matt Mills | 482 views
Fall Ball Begins for 15U and 16U
The Ontario Royals 15U and 16U programs began their fall baseball schedules this week, getting on-field for the first of two practices this week for both teams.

Our Royals 15U and 16U teams play an aggressive Fall Ball schedule during September and October against other Ontario-based elite programs. During this time, Royals coaches place an emphasis on individual and team development.    

15U is scheduled to play 14 games & 10 on-field practices (12 total)
16U is scheduled to play 18 games & 10 on-field practices (12 total)

For full 15U and 16U fall schedules please visit the respective team calendar pages


Wishing all of our players a great fall season that leads into a fantastic year of baseball with the Ontario Royals.