Royals Remote Training Program in Full Swing, News (Ontario Royals)

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May 15, 2020 | Matt Mills | 4453 views
Royals Remote Training Program in Full Swing
The Ontario Royals "Remote Training Program" is in full swing, and players are continuing to develop their game - despite the ongoing health crisis.

Acting quickly to pivot and offer a remote option, the Royals have hosted 34 group practice sessions thus far, starting on March 23rd. Coaches and players have been using ZOOM video-conferencing, in tandem with a program-wide resource sharing platform, to ensure that players who wish to be trained remotely will be able to do so effectively.

In addition, all players participating in the Remote Training Program received a BLAST Baseball bat sensor and Premium Account subscription (if a hitter), a full set of DRIVELINE plyoballs (if a pitcher), and a 5 ft length of PVC pipe to assist in at-home drills and player development tracking. 

The Royals Remote Training Program schedule is as follows: 

7-8pm : Hitters
8-9pm : Catchers

7-8pm : Pitchers
8-9pm : Situations/Strategy

6-7pm : Hitters
7-8pm : Infielders

6-7pm : Pitchers

Players are encouraged to also communicate with coaches individually to share video on an ongoing basis to ensure that drills are being done correctly, and concepts are being understood fully. 

In addition to the content our Royals coaches have been/will continue to provide during these remote sessions, we also have a number of special guests lined up and ready to join our groups for these sessions, including: 

*South Florida State College Assistant/Hitting Coach - Brad Crone

*Toronto Blue Jays Pitching Prospect - Alex Nolan

*University of Waterloo Baseball Coach (Biomechanics Specialist), and Chiropractor - Dr. Andrew Robb